Directions to Our Building
Washington Street Church of Christ ~ 214 North Washington St. ~ Warrensburg, MO 64093
Scroll Down For Exact Driving Directions To Our Meeting House ~ Phone: TBA
GENERAL Driving Directions:
We are west of MO-Hwy 13 (Business 13) which runs from Higginsville, MO to Springfield, MO. From US I-70 take the Warrensburg Exit south on MO-Hwy 13 to Warrensburg. From Arkansas and Springfield, MO take MO-Hwy 13 North to Warrensburg. Turn onto Gay Street (Casey's Store) and go West 3 Blocks to Washington Street. Turn Left and go South Two(2) Blocks to our Building. If you come to the railroad or the University, you've gone too far! Warrensburg is approx. 9 miles West of Whiteman, AFB (Knob Noster, MO) and 26 miles West of Sedalia, MO. We are situated 1 block North of railroad separating downtown from the Campus of CMU (Central Missouri University). Out building is 1 block SW of the Johnson County MO Courthouse.
Take I-70 West toward Kansas City.
When you come to the Warrensburg Exit, then turn Left and go South on MO- 13 to Warrensburg. After crossing MO-50 go one mile to Gay Street and follow the Driving Directions (see above) to our building
Kansas city:
Take I-70 East toward St. Louis. At the Warrensburg Exit, turn Right and go South on MO- 13 to Warrensburg. After crossing MO-50 go one mile to Gay Street and follow the Driving Directions (see above) to our building
From Springfield, MO / Arkansas area, take MO-13 North to Warrensburg until you come to Gay Street and turn Left and follow the Driving Directions above.
scheduled times for services
Sunday am
9:30 AM CST - Bible Study
10:30 AM CST - Lord's Supper & Worship
SUnday pm:
6:00 PM CST - Bible Study/Worship
7:00 PM CST - Bible Study/Worship